
At KFUPM, we recognize the importance of fostering a conducive work environment that values the well-being and professional development of our employees. As part of our commitment to enhancing the overall employee experience, KFUPM is pleased to offer a valuable and thoughtful benefit - the provision of flight tickets.

Understanding the diverse needs of our workforce, KFUPM strives to provide comprehensive support, and the provision of flight tickets stands as a testament to our commitment to the convenience and satisfaction of our employees. This benefit is designed to facilitate seamless travel for various purposes, whether for personal vacations, professional development, or other essential travel needs. In this page, we will delve into the details of how KFUPM employees can avail themselves of this benefit, the scope of the flight ticket provision, and the overarching goal of ensuring that our employees can navigate their personal and professional journeys with ease and comfort. As we continue to invest in the well-being of our staff, the provision of flight tickets remains a cornerstone of our efforts to create a supportive and enriching work environment at KFUPM.